Эссе про моду. Тема "Мода и мое отношение к ней" (Fashion and my attitude to it)

Fashion is a thing that we have to keep up with, whether you like it or not. Anyway it’s important to look attractive. But it doesn’t mean that you should be a fashion-conscious . It may turn to a waste of money . If a person doesn’t have good taste he is not able to put things together . Trendy people want to stand out in a crowd , but sometimes they don’t look stylish.
First of all, think clothes should suit you . If you have good taste you can buy a big range of styles and always look fashionable. But clothes should suit the occasion , and put you in the right mood for the day. But there are people who are not able bothered about fashion, they just want to stand out in a crowd by wearing something unusual, old-fashioned or trendy. Actually, I’m not such a person and I guess you should choose things according to your personality and character, and you’ll look well-dressed even if you wear something casual .

I like wearing different kinds of clothes, but certainly clothes should suit the occasion. When I plan what I’m going to wear I usually think what kind of meeting I have. At school we weren’t allowed to wear sport or bright clothes, we had to wear clothes of formal style. Usually I wore a jacket, a blouse and trousers or a skirt. But I didn’t like being dressed that way, as many other students. Really I prefer smart clothes to formal. Besides I enjoy wearing sport clothes, because I feel comfortable in it. Also on my list of likes there are jeans. One of my favourite colours is white, so I like white sweaters, tops and skirts. I usually wear high heeled shoes even if it’s not always comfortable or thick-soled boots. When I go out I always dress up, because I feel better that way. But when I have an official meeting I try to wear formal clothes.

Today"s world is often called the computer world. We cannot imagine our life without computers. The first computers were developed during the Second World War. They were used to break the codes, used to send secret information.

Our world is really a small world. Modern transport facilities make it possible to reach any part of our planet within a few hours. People have to communicate and solve common problems in all the spheres of political life, economy and culture. Communication is an interaction of cultures. The knowledge of each other"s culture and traditions is very often important for successful business and political talks. We, Russians, very often surprise our foreign partners by our behavior and manners.

Unemployment is a very urgent problem today. Years ago when a man left school he learnt some job and did this job all his life. He could be sure that his job would be needed to his dying day. Nowadays he couldn"t be sure. Your work may look like a very good job at present, but it may not be needed in 10 years.


Drug addiction is a big problem today. Even 5 years ago this problem did not exist in small towns. We read about drug addicts in the USA and other countries of the West. This problem existed in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. Today different drugs are sold in our city and what is worse they are bought and taken by people, mostly young people. Drugs are ruinous for health and they destroy the personality of those who take them.

We can"t call today"s world a safe world. Many dangers come from nature, I mean floods, earthquakes and so on. But people are also dangerous for each other. Unfortunately, there are some people who don"t stop at anything to achieve their aims. They even think "the more victims the better". Our country was one of the first to have terrorist attacks. I mean the attacks in Moscow when two apartment houses were destroyed. There were acts of terrorism in all parts of the world at the end of the 20th century: in Japan, in England and in France.

I"d like to tell you about my native town. Izhevsk is very large industrial town locted in the European part of Russia between the Volga River and the Ural mountains. It has a population of about 700.000. Izhevsk was founded in l760 as a settlement. The industrial development f the history began with the construction of an iron works. In 1918 Izhevsk became a town and since 1921 it has been the capital of Udmurtia.

Science is finding out about things around us. How do you find out about things? One way is to ask questions about them. But suppose no one knows the answers. Then you have to think of ways to find the answers yourself. This usually means doing something to the «thing» to see what happens. Doing something to see what happens is called experimenting. Scientists ask questions about things around us.

Most people believe that it’s important to look nice. However, some people say that we place too much importance on appearance and fashion. One will hardly disagree that it is pleasant to look at a person who is neatly and beautifully dressed. A person usually chooses clothes according to his or her age, social class, financial position and occupation. People also choose clothes according to their preferences and character.
To my mind, if a person wants to produce a good impression and to be successful, he or she must look nice. When people speak to you, they always pay attention to your appearance and your clothes. If you look sloppy and untidy, they will try to avoid you. There is a saying that “good clothes open all doors” and I quite agree with it.
But some people place too much importance on their appearance. They spend much money on expensive clothes and sometimes they look ridiculous trying to be fashionable. There are some styles that can surprise and even shock people such as punks, hippies or Goths. It looks strange when a person wears razor blades instead of earrings, dyes his or her hair bright red or purple or puts on shoes on enormous platform. Some teenagers are fond of bright make-up, black fingernails, scruffy long hair or baggy clothes. But I think it is silly to slavishly follow the current fashions.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that nowadays fashion becomes even more influential than it was in the past. It effects and moulds public taste. I believe that people should follow fashion and pay attention to their appearance, but it should never become a kind of obsession.

Some teenagers think that clothes make the man, while others don’t care much about what they wear. Nowadays the word “fashion” is a synonym for beauty, style and glamour. Every shop offers a wide choice of fashionable clothes and it is hard to resist the temptation to buy something new. But is it all right to put so much attention to clothes?
Personally, I am sure that there are more important things in life than fashion. To my mind, people speak too much about it and waste a lot of money on clothes. I have a pair of jeans and I wear them every day. I think jeans are comfortable and cheap. I never go for the latest styles or buy very expensive clothes.
However, most teenagers say that clothes show their personality. Besides, they are the first thing people see when they meet them. Teenagers believe that clothes help them produce a favourable impression and they say they feel better when they are dressed well. Young people also use bright make-up, cut and dye their hair and carry different accessories such as bags, purses, glasses, jewellery, hats or scarves in order to attract attention. Some youngsters are fond of experimenting with their look and mixing styles. But I don’t think it is wise to become a fashion victim.
To conclude, I believe that clothes do not make the man. The main aim of clothes is to protect the human body from extreme weather, insects, chemicals and other hazards. The second aim is to attract attention and to indicate status. In my opinion, the main thing about clothes is comfort. As for beauty and style, they are less important.

The question of what pupils should wear to school rouses strong feelings on both sides. Some people give many reasons in favor of school uniforms. However, there are a lot of people who are against them. The problem of school uniforms is discussed in every school. The majority of schoolchildren have a negative attitude to wearing a uniform. Nevertheless, there are arguments for school uniforms that should not be discounted.
To my mind, the school uniform has a lot of advantages. Firstly, some teenagers wear clothes that are not appropriate at school such as short skirts or clothes with vulgar language. Secondly, teachers say that uniforms help improve discipline and reduce peer pressure and bullying. It should also be noted that most pupils don’t mind wearing uniforms. The wearing of school uniforms helps pupils realize that a person’s unique gifts and personality traits go deeper than their clothes. What is more, the school uniform promotes equality because everyone has to wear the same.
However, some teachers believe that bringing in uniforms will not solve the school discipline problem. Clothes are not the main cause of bullying and therefore it will continue, regardless of dress policy. Most pupils are convinced that school uniforms interfere with their rights for self-expression. Some parents are also against uniforms because they are not cheap. But on the other hand, it is true that teenagers place too much importance on appearance and fashion. So pupils whose parents cannot afford to buy them fashionable clothes often become outsiders and suffer from bullying and emotional stress. So I think that a school uniform can prove to be a cheaper way of dressing children.
To conclude, school uniforms still remain a hot topic. I believe it is up to pupils, their teachers and parents to decide whether children should wear uniforms or not.

Some people like fur coats and hats, while others think that wearing fur is unacceptable. Animal furs have long served to make clothes or to decorate them. However, the use of fur as clothing and decoration is considered controversial by some people.
Personally, 1 don’t wear fur for several reasons. Firstly, the production of fur coats and hats involves cruelty to animals. Millions of foxes, rabbits, minks, beavers, chinchillas and other animals are killed on farms because of their commercially valuable fur. Many of these animals are raised in cages which leave them little room to move around. Most animal rights groups object to the trapping and killing of wildlife. The anti-fur movement involves celebrities who try to convince people that fur is not fashionable. Secondly, nowadays there are a lot of materials that will not let you freeze. Thirdly, fur is very expensive and I can’t afford to buy fur coats and hats.
On the other hand, in some climates it is so cold that people can’t do without fur. For some regions in Russia fur trade is the only business that gives people an opportunity to support their families. Besides, some people prefer furs to artificial materials because they are healthier and much more beautiful. Anyway, it is difficult to convince people not to buy fur.
To sum up, it is unacceptable to wear furs only because of their beauty. I strongly feel that fur must be worn only as a necessity.

Most fashion houses complain that producers of knockoff versions copy and sell their designs. Some people say that copies are much worse than the original. However, the knock-off industry brings some positive effects to trends and to the designers as well.
A lot of manufacturers copy famous designers and produce knockoff suits, dresses, jeans, bags and accessories. Some people can’t decide whether the massive knockoff industry is a good or bad thing.
Personally, I think that the fashion industry is an expensive one. So it is no wonder the knock-off business is so successful. Ordinary people want to have access to the latest styles and trends as much as the wealthy do. Most middle class consumers cannot afford to pay 1000 euros for designer jeans, but they can buy a 100 euro imitation. As a rule everybody knows that they buy copies, and so there are no complaints about the quality. What is more, knockoff clothes can be in the shops within two or three days of a fashion show, before the original is available for sale.
On the other hand, the quality of most copies is extremely low. Poorly made knockoff suits lose colour; bags fall apart. Fashion houses say that they are losing sales because of the knockoff industry. Besides, knockoff versions have a negative effect on their image. But to my mind, knockoffs bring more good than bad to the fashion industry because they actually promote the brand or designer, which encourages consumers to buy fashion labels.
To conclude, the copying of brand names and logos is outlawed. However, the knockoff industry is thriving and producers of copies are becoming richer and richer. But in spite of the knockoff business, fashion designers have remained more than wealthy. Therefore, I believe that prohibiting knockoffs would be eliminating more good than bad.

A lot of young people cover their bodies with tattoos and decorate them with piercing. However, others say that body art has many drawbacks. Tattooing and piercing are popular in many parts of the world and they are practiced for decorative, religious or other reasons. As the use of body art grows, it is becoming a controversial issue.
In my opinion, tattoos and piercing don’t make people more beautiful. Most employers don’t want employees to have tattoos and piercing because it gives them an air of unprofessionalism. Some people are asked to remove belly rings or tongue studs when they are at work. Employees often have to wear long sleeves and trousers to hide their tattoos. Sometimes young people are allowed to show their tattoos if they are not offensive, but most companies still prefer conventional looks. Furthermore, doctors warn people against possible dangers of tattooing and piercing including bacterial infection and allergic reactions. These procedures are painful and risky. Besides, one should remember that it is difficult to remove a tattoo. Some people have to pay much money to undergo laser erasure treatments.
However, some young people say that their tattoos and piercing make them feel attractive and rebellious. They also believe that body art gives them an opportunity to show their individuality. Anyway, when you are invited to a firm for a job interview, you can hide your tattoos and remove all jewellery. But I still believe that body art is unsightly.
To ccmclude, tastes differ. You may admire the huge dragon on your back, but your relatives, friends and colleagues may dislike it. If you want to improve your job prospects and to stay healthy, you’d better leave your body unadorned.

(2 оценок, среднее: 4.00 из 5)

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Если вы понимаете, что вашей потребностью является благотворительная помощь, то обратите внимание на эту статью.
К вам обратились за помощью те, кто без вашего участия может лишиться увлекательного дела.
Многие дети, мальчишки и девчонки, мечтают стать пилотами на трассе.
Они ходят на занятия, где под руководством опытного тренера изучают приемы скоростного вождения.
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Может быть, именно в таком кружке растут не только чемпионы России, но даже будущие чемпионы мира в этом виде спорта?!
Вы можете помочь детской секции картинга, которая находится в городе Сызрань. У них в настоящее время просто бедственное положение. Все держится на энтузиазме руководителя: Краснова Сергея.
Прочитайте моё письмо и посмотрите фотографии. Обратите внимание на то, с каким увлечением работают мои воспитанники.
Они любят этот развивающий вид спорта и очень хотят продолжать обучение.
Обращаюсь к вам с просьбой помочь выжить секции картинга в городе Сызрани.
Раньше в городе было ДВЕ станции юных техников, и в каждой была секция картинга. Картинг был ещё и во Дворце пионеров. Сейчас в городе нет ни одной стации, и кружок во Дворце пионеров тоже уничтожили. Закрыли - не поворачивается сказать, просто уничтожили!
Мы боролись, писали письма, везде ответ у них один. Лет пять тому назад я ездил к губернатору Самарской области на прием. Он не принял, а приняла меня заместитель.
Вот после этого нам дали помещение, где мы и базировались. У нас очень много детей хотят заниматься картингом, но очень плохая материальная часть не позволяет набирать детей.
Да и большая часть картингов требует ремонта. Вот в таком положении находится наш кружок.
Мы обращались и к мэру города Сызрань за помощью. Второй год ждем помощи. Решили обратиться через интернет к вам за помощью.
Связаться со мной,адрес для посылок,446012 Самарская обл.г.Сызрань,ул.Новосибирская 47, можно через соцсети СЕРГЕЙ ИВАНОВИЧ КРАСНОВ.или пишите на почту [email protected] Ютуб канал https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4AHkKA-LDAwjALyHr0JzEw/videos?view_as=subscriber Всегда, находясь на волне успеха, надо творить дела милосердия, подавать милостыню. А если Господь помогает в тяжелых обстоятельствах, то не забывать после о благодарности. Тогда и Он не забудет о ваших нуждах.

Most people believe that it’s important to look nice. However, some people say that we place too much importance on appearance and fashion. One will hardly disagree that it is pleasant to look at a person who is neatly and beautifully dressed. A person usually chooses clothes according to his or her age, social class, financial position and occupation. People also choose clothes according to their preferences and character.

To my mind, if a person wants to produce a good impression and to be successful, he or she must look nice. When people speak to you, they always pay attention to your appearance and your clothes. If you look sloppy and untidy, they will try to avoid you. There is a saying that "good clothes open all doors” and I quite agree with it.

But some people place too much importance on their appearance. They spend much money on expensive clothes and sometimes they look ridiculous trying to be fashionable. There are some styles that can surprise and even shock people such as punks, hippies or Goths. It looks strange when a person wears razor blades instead of earrings, dyes his or her hair bright red or purple or puts on shoes on enormous platform. Some teenagers are fond of bright make-up, black finger­nails, scruffy long hair or baggy clothes. But I think it is silly to slavishly follow the current fashions.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that nowadays fashion becomes even more influential than it was in the past. It effects and moulds public taste. I believe that people should follow fashion and pay attention to their appearance, but it should never become a kind of obsession.

Эссе / сочинение 2

Some teenagers think that clothes make the man, while others don’t care much about what they wear. Nowadays the word "fashion” is a synonym for beauty, style and glamour.

Every shop offers a wide choice of fashionable clothes and it is hard to resist the temptation to buy something new. But is it all right to put so much attention to clothes? Personally, I am sure that there are more important things in life than fashion. To my mind, people speak too much about it and waste a lot of money on clothes. I have a pair of jeans and I wear them every day. I think jeans are comfortable and cheap. I never go for the latest styles or buy very expensive clothes.

However, most teenagers say that clothes show their personality. Besides, they are the first thing people see when they meet them. Teenagers believe that clothes help them produce a favourable impression and they say they feel better when they are dressed well. Young people also use bright make-up, cut and dye their hair and carry different accessories such as bags, purses, glasses, jewellery, hats or scarves in order to attract attention. Some youngsters are fond of experimenting with their look and mixing styles. But I don’t think it is wise to become a fashion victim.

To conclude, I believe that clothes do not make the man. The main aim of clothes is to protect the human body from extreme weather, insects, chemicals and other hazards. The second aim is to attract attention and to indicate status. In my opinion, the main thing about clothes is com­fort. As for beauty and style, they are less important.

Эссе / сочинение 3

The question of what pupils should wear to school rouses strong feelings on both sides. Some people give many reasons in favor of school uniforms. However, there are a lot of people who are against them. The problem of school uniforms is discussed in every school. The majority of schoolchildren have a negative attitude to wearing a uniform. Nevertheless, there are arguments for school uniforms that should not be discounted.

To my mind, the school uniform has a lot of advantages. Firstly, some teenagers wear clothes that are not appropriate at school such as short skirts or clothes with vulgar language. Secondly, teachers say that uniforms help improve discipline and reduce peer pressure and bullying. It should also be noted that most pupils don’t mind wearing uniforms. The wearing of school uniforms helps pupils realize that a person’s unique gifts and personality traits go deeper than their clothes. What is more, the school uniform promotes equality because everyone has to wear the same.

However, some teachers believe that bringing in uniforms will not solve the school discipline problem. Clothes are not the main cause of bullying and therefore it will continue, regardless of dress policy. Most pupils are convinced that school uniforms interfere with their rights for self-expression. Some parents are also against uniforms because they are not cheap. But on the other hand, it is true that teenagers place too much importance on appearance and fashion. So pupils whose parents cannot afford to buy them fashionable clothes often become outsiders and suffer from bullying and emotional stress. So I think that a school uniform can prove to be a cheaper way of dressing children.

To conclude, school uniforms still remain a hot topic. I believe it is up to pupils, their teachers and parents to decide whether children should wear uniforms or not.

Эссе / сочинение 4

Some people like fur coats and hats, while others think that wearing fur is unacceptable. Animal furs have long served to make clothes or to decorate them. However, the use of fur as clothing and decoration is considered controversial by some people.

Personally, I don’t wear fur for several reasons. Firstly, the production of fur coats and hats involves cruelty to animals. Millions of foxes, rabbits, minks, beavers, chinchillas and other ani­mals are killed on farms because of their commercially valuable fur. Many of these animals are raised in cages which leave them little room to move around. Most animal rights groups object to the trapping and killing of wildlife. The anti-fur movement involves celebrities who try to convince people that fur is not fashionable. Secondly, nowadays there are a lot of materials that will not let you freeze. Thirdly, fur is very expensive and I can’t afford to buy fur coats and hats.

On the other hand, in some climates it is so cold that people can’t do without fur. For some regions in Russia fur trade is the only business that gives people an opportunity to support their families. Besides, some people prefer furs to artificial materials because they are healthier and much more beautiful. Anyway, it is difficult to convince people not to buy fur.

To sum up, it is unacceptable to wear furs only because of their beauty. I strongly feel that fur must be worn only as a necessity.

Эссе / сочинение 5

Most fashion houses complain that producers of knockoff versions copy and sell their designs. Some people say that copies are much worse than the original. However, the knock­off industry brings some positive effects to trends and to the designers as well. A lot of manufacturers copy famous designers and produce knockoff suits, dresses, jeans, bags and accessories. Some people can’t decide whether the massive knockoff industry is a good or bad thing.

Personally, I think that the fashion industry is an expensive one. So it is no wonder the knock­off business is so successful. Ordinary people want to have access to the latest styles and trends as much as the wealthy do. Most middle class consumers cannot afford to pay 1000 euros for designer jeans, but they can buy a 100 euro imitation. As a rule everybody knows that they buy copies, and so there are no complaints about the quality. What is more, knockoff clothes can be in the shops within two or three days of a fashion show, before the original is available for sale.

On the other hand, the quality of most copies is extremely low. Poorly made knockoff suits lose colour; bags fall apart. Fashion houses say that they are losing sales because of the knockoff industry. Besides, knockoff versions have a negative effect on their image. But to my mind, knockoffs bring more good than bad to the fashion industry because they actually promote the brand or designer, which encourages consumers to buy fashion labels.

To conclude, the copying of brand names and logos is outlawed. However, the knockoff industry is thriving and producers of copies are becoming richer and richer. But in spite of the knockoff business, fashion designers have remained more than wealthy. Therefore, I believe that prohibit­ing knockoffs would be eliminating more good than bad.

Эссе / сочинение 6

A lot of young people cover their bodies with tattoos and decorate them with piercing. However, others say that body art has many drawbacks. Tattooing and piercing are popular in many parts of the world and they are practiced for decora­tive, religious or other reasons. As the use of body art grows, it is becoming a controversial issue.

In my opinion, tattoos and piercing don’t make people more beautiful. Most employers don’t want employees to have tattoos and piercing because it gives them an air of unprofessionalism. Some people are asked to remove belly rings or tongue studs when they are at work. Employees often have to wear long sleeves and trousers to hide their tattoos. Sometimes young people are allowed to show their tattoos if they are not offensive, but most companies still prefer conventional looks. Furthermore, doctors warn people against possible dangers of tattooing and piercing including bacterial infection and allergic reactions. These procedures are painful and risky. Besides, one should remember that it is difficult to remove a tattoo. Some people have to pay much money to undergo laser erasure treatments.

However, some young people say that their tattoos and piercing make them feel attractive and rebellious. They also believe that body art gives them an opportunity to show their individuali­ty. Anyway, when you are invited to a firm for a job interview, you can hide your tattoos and remove all jewellery. But I still believe that body art is unsightly.

To conclude, tastes differ. You may admire the huge dragon on your back, but your relatives, friends and colleagues may dislike it. If you want to improve your job prospects and to stay healthy, you’d better leave your body unadorned.

Рекомендации при написании эссе (сочинения с элементами рассуждения)

На первый взгляд может показаться, что написать эссе (сочинение) на английском языке – это чрезвычайно сложно. Но если знать и соблюдать некоторые правила, то написание эссе (сочинения) будет не таким уж и страшным делом. Итак, при написании эссе (сочинения) учитывайте следующие моменты:
  1. Придерживайтесь формального стиля письма. Помните, что сокращения типа don’t, can’t, I’m, it’s – это не формальный стиль. Также избегайте восклицательных знаков, что тоже не соответствует нейтральности формального стиля. Следите за лексикой и не используйте таких фраз, как: well, to tell the truth и др. Эти фразы не соответствуют формальному стилю.
  2. Разделите ваше эссе (сочинение) на несколько логических частей (абзацев). В первом абзаце представьте проблему, которую будете рассматривать в эссе. Чтобы правильно это сделать, переформулируйте тему. Не повторяйте тему, а переформулируйте ее!
  3. Далее рассмотрите проблему с двух сторон – найдите два-три аргумента, поддерживающих одну точку зрения и столько же – в пользу другой. Не надо писать все аргументы, которые приходят в голову. Выберите два-три самых весомых и изложите их.
  4. Выскажите свое отношение к проблеме. В двух-трех предложениях объясните, почему вы так думаете. Не повторяйте дословно уже приведенную аргументацию. Используйте перефразирование.
  5. В последнем абзаце сделайте вывод по проблеме.
  6. Следите за объемом эссе (сочинения). Принцип "чем больше, тем лучше” здесь неприменим. Эксперт, проверяющий вашу работу жестко отсчитывает нужное количество слов и проверяет только тот объем, который укладывается в норму. Эссе (сочинение) менее установленного объема вообще не проверяется и никак не оценивается.

12 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Мода в США и Британии

Топик по английскому языку: Мода в США и Британии с переводом (Fashion in the USA and Great Britain). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Принцип выбора одежды

Как в любой другой западной стране, англичане и американцы носят все виды одежды. Одной из главных вещей является то, что одежда должна быть удобной и подходящей для определенного события.

Правила этикета

В Британии, как и в США , следуя правилам этикета, мужчины обычно надевают костюм для офисной работы, а женщины носят платья или юбки. В отелях и ресторанах люди также склонны надевать что-то более официальное, такое как галстуки или нарядные платья. Джинсы или футболки иногда просто не разрешены. Доктора, юристы и деловые люди также обычно носят официальную одежду.

Отличиях между двумя странами

Говоря об отличиях между двумя странами, следует сказать, что англичане не очень заботятся о том, что они носят. Даже в театры, кино или концерты они надевают то, что хотят – от элегантных костюмов и платьев до джинсов и свитеров. Американцы более осторожны в этом. Им привычно носить повседневную или спортивную одежду дома или в саду, но они предпочитают что-нибудь красивое и элегантное, если собираются выйти в свет.

По погоде

Учитывая климат Британии, там есть такая специальная одежда как толстое пальто или анорак для холодной ветреной погоды и плащи для дождливой погоды. Материалы, используемые для изготовления одежды, охватывают все виды и цвета тканей.

Дети и подростки

Что касается детей и подростков, дома или когда они играют с друзьями, они обычно носят что-то вроде футболок, джинсов и спортивной одежды. Для подростков важно иметь правильную одежду. Поэтому, большинство из них обожает покупать последние новинки. Однако в большом количестве школ дети должны носить школьную форму.


В заключение следует сказать, что в наше время люди в обеих странах любят носить не очень официальную одежду, за исключением особых случаев.

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Fashion in the USA and Great Britain

Choosing what to wear

As in any other western country, British and American people wear all types of clothes. One of the most important things about clothes is that they should be comfortable and appropriate for the occasion.

Rules of etiquette

In Britain as well as in the USA, following the rules of etiquette, men usually wear suits for office work while women wear dresses or skirts. In hotels and restaurants people also tend to put on something more formal such as ties and smart dresses. Jeans and open shirts are just not allowed at times. Doctors, lawyers and business people also wear quite formal clothes.

Differences between the two countries

Speaking about the differences between the two countries it should be said that British people don’t think much about what they wear. Even at theatres, cinemas or concerts they put on what they want — from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Americans are more careful about that. They are used to wear informal or sporty clothes at home or in the garden but they prefer something nice and elegant when they go out.

The impact of weather

Taking into consideration the climate of Great Britain there are such special clothes as heavy overcoats or anoraks for cold wintry weather and raincoats for rainy weather. Materials that are used for making clothes cover every type and colour of fabric available.

Children and teenagers

As for children and teenagers, when they are at home or play with friends they usually wear something like t-shirts, jeans and sportswear. It’s very important for teenagers to have the right clothes. So, most of them love to shop for the latest fashions. However in a great number of schools children must wear a school uniform.


In conclusion, it should be said that these days people in both countries like to wear not very formal clothes, except for special events.